Motorcycle Repair: 1980 Honda CB750C, 1980 honda cb750c, step by step directions

Following the step-by-step directions in my Clymer service book[M337 page54]under the subheading Camshaft Chain Tensioner Adjustment I have encoutered the following: [1] The front adjuster is easily accessed and adjusted. [2]The rear adjusters, there are 2,are not. More accurately the upper adjusting nut is hard to get at without burning your hand. So, rather than letting the engine idle,I switched it off, let the engine cool,and made the adjustment. Now, the engine is really noisy. Can this be corrected? I would appreciate any help you could give.

Hi Bob.
 The manual may have been written in such a way as to be misleading.  There should be 2 adjusters total.  One in front and one in rear.

Cam chain adjustment is supposed to be made at the same time as the valve adjustment with the engine at room temperature.  Adjust camchain tension first, then adjust the valves.  If this was done with the engine hot, then all of the adjustments are off and that is why you have excessive noise now.

Let the bike sit overnight.  Then adjust the camchain tension and then adjust the valves.  The noise should go away if it is done correctly.

Good luck.