Motorcycle Repair: KTM 300 Electrical Problem, coil windings, plug cap

Hello, I have a 95 KTM 300 that has no spark.  I have taken it to two shops and they haven't been able to work on it becuase they don't know anything about KTM's.  So I have to try to fix it myself. What would be the most likely thing to replace?  I have already tried the spark plug, but after that I don't know what to replace.  I have tried getting a manual for this bike, but most shops say that they can't because it is an old KTM.  Thanks for the help!

Hi Steven,

Do you have a multimeter? You'll need one to perform tests on electrical components.

First, check for loose connectors. Check all wiring harness wiring connectors. Check spark plug cap. It should be tightly attached to the plug wire. Check for damaged wiring. Mice like to chew wiring.

Test the ignition coil windings. Test pick-up coil winding. Test kill switch, clutch switch, neutral switch, and side stand switch is there is one. Check the ignition switch.

If you need testing how-to info, send me your email as requested. I'll return the necessary information files.

Mark Shively