Motorcycle Repair: charging system, stator coil, regulator rectifier

I have a 98 honda shodow 750 american classic edition that runs fine as long as you charge the battery but if it runs down the bike just stops. How do I check it out and find out what needs to be replaced?
thanks alot.

Hi Mitch.
 The charging system consists of 3 major components.  They are as follows;

1) Battery.

2) Stator coil.

3) Regulator/rectifier.

Since the rgulator/rectifier is a mostly "bulletproof" component, that leaves 2 components.  Battery or stator coil.  The test is in 2 steps.

1)  With the battery fully charged, test each cell with a hygrometer.  If any of the battery cells test as not good, the battery is shot.  Replace it.  This will not affect the second test, so perform both tests before replacing anything.

2)  With the battery charged, start the bike and see what the voltage across the leads is.  It should read about 12 - 14 volts DC.  If you read AC current, then the regulator/rectifier is shot.  If you are reading less than 12VDC, then the stator coil is shot.

99 times out of 100, the problem that you describe is the stator coil, but perform the tests before replacing anything.

Good luck.