Nissan Repair: 720 nissan with z24 engine, nissan 720 pickup, check fuel

hi, my 86 nissan 720 pickup with z24 engine starts and runs fine ,when i park it for about 15 to 20 minutes it starts fine but runs very poorly almost like the timing is retarted after driving it for about 5 to 10 minutes its fine again thanks for your help , gary

Hi Gary -

Is the check engine light on? If yes, can you give me the code?

Also, please check the following - Carbon tracks in the distributor cap - Spark plugs (last time you tuned it up?). Damage to spark plug wires.

If all the above checks out, check fuel pump pressure and volume. Pressure should be about 35PSI minimal. To check volume, remove the fuel line at the engine and insert end into a container. turn the ignition on. Fuel delivery should be about 1 cup of fuel in 3 seconds max.

Hope this helps -