Nissan Repair: 85 nissan sentra wagon heater control, nissan sentra, small screws

I Recently purchushed a 1985 Nissan Sentra wagon and fount that the heater control does not work... how do you go about removing the dash area to remove or check not sure if that is even it... i can turn the fan on but get nothing from it no noise of the fan working nothing would be nice to get working so that i can actually use the defrost and have heat when it comes time to need it... thanks for your time...

Hi Wayne -

If you are getting no noise, then I would check the fan motor. This is located passenger side under dash. Should be round with about 5 or 6 small screws that need to be removed. A 2 wire terminal is used to connect. Check that for power first (best thing to use is a 12V circuit tester probe type) With ignition on one of those wires should have power. With switch on both should have power. If so, then replace the motor. If not, probably the switch or the resistor located on the firewall passenger side near the ductwork for the system.

Hope this helps -