Nissan Repair: tachometer, silicone grease, nissan altima

The tachometer on my 1995 Nissan altima goes haywire, going back and forth, while i am accelerating. how should i go about fixing that?

Hi Paul -

First thing I would do is lubricate the cable. The instrument panel must be pulled out to access the speedo cable housing. The cable housing latched to the back of the panel, press down on the tab to release. Get a plier and carefully pull (the end is only plastic) the cable out. Clean it and start to re-insert it back into the housing. Use high quality silicone grease to layer the cable as you return it back. Once the cable is all the way in, turn it 180 degrees to seat it in the transmission side. Replace the housing into the panel, and put the panel back into place.

Hope this helps -