Nissan Repair: nissan 300zx 1990 z32 turbo, nissan 300zx, shaft seal

hi,i have a 300zx turbo,at first it felt like i was out of fuel,car would start lurching then after a few minutes it would clear and run fine.had it tested it appeared to be fuel pump,i installed a new one,,problem still warning light,between hand brake and door open comes on ?


First have the alternator checked to make sure it is charging properly

Second, pull the distributor and disassemble and check for oil on the optical shutter wheel.  The shaft seal fails and oil wicks up the shaft and that causes the distributor to misfire.

It is most probably the distributor since the age and the fact that it is a turbo.  More boost means more ring blow by.  Lastly, check the turbo piping and the waste gate to make sure there are no leaks.