Nissan Repair: 92 Nissan Sentra XE, fuel pressure gauge, nissan sentra

QUESTION: I have good acceleration until a certain point in the peddle. If I push to far it has deceleration. Going up hills I can't give it enough gas to maintain speed. What could it be? Thanks, Shawn

ANSWER: Hi Shawn -

First of all, when was the last time you had a tune up? Could be carbon tracking on the distributor, or defective ignition cables.

Other than that, I would check the fuel pump for proper operation (volume and delivery).

Hope this helps -

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thanks for the rapid response. It has had a full tune up since the problem started. Can I check the fuel pressure myself at home? Thanks again, Shawn

Hi Shawn -

Yes, you can check it at home if you have a fuel pressure gauge.

For the pressure test:
Remove the fuel line and attache the pressure tester. Turn the key on and note the pressure. Should be at least 35 - 40 PSI.

Volume test:
Take the open end of the fuel line and place it in a container. Turn the ignition on and note the amount of fuel coming out. In no more than 4 seconds, it should dispense at least a cup of fuel.

Also check the fuel filter for resistance (clogging). This should be located near the fuel tank along the frame of the vehicle.

If your car has a steady miss up hills, I would also check the ignition module, located in the distributor cap, especially if it is acting up when the engine is warmed up.

Hope this helps