Nissan Repair: Nissan Xterra, nissan xterra, nissan x terra

I have a 2000 Nissan X-terra that will start but it will not shift into gear. The engine seems to be fine. I have had several mechanics tell me different things.
1. the  rear brake caliber is is hitting against another part thus not allowing the transmission to do it's job
2. The transmission is out
3. The rear end is out
4. An electrical device that goes from the transmission to ?  needs replaced
 After each mechanic has given me a different answer I am desperate to find the exact problem and hoping to find the solution that is less expensive . Do you have any advice?


If the Xterra starts but cannot be shifted into gear would be the shift interlock switch.  If you can shift it into gear and the vehicle will not move then it is most probably the transmission needing to be rebuilt.  Now, you say something about a mechanic saying the brake is stuck?  If you romp on the gas, in gear, does the vehicle try to move?  If it does then the brakes could very well be sticking.  The rear end is out?  If the rear end were out you would have a noise or clunk or something.  I would go to a different mechanic.  Email me back and tell me more so we can narrow down the problem.