Nissan Repair: 1987 pickup not starting, spark plug wires, neutral safety switch

QUESTION: on my 1987 nissan truck I get a code 21 and 24 on the ecu, but in the haynes repair guide it does not show a code 24 is this possible? The engine does not start no power coming from the spark plug wires, what can I do to fix this issue?

ANSWER: Patrick,

The park neutral switch is what code 24 means.  Probably the neutral safety switch is gone.  Correct this and then check to see if the problem goes away.  Email me back with what you find.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I have a 5 speed man. trans does this apply to the man trans. I looked in the haynes book to find the neutral switch and it said that its located at the rear of the trans next to the reverse switch, I found the 2 switches and started to check them, I did find that the black with red wire was cut and the other wire is a yellow with red, also the 2 switches are wired in series. I checked for power on the yellow with red and have battery voltage, then I checked the black with red and found no voltage but do have continuity to ground. I then wired the 2 wires together and noticed that the 4WD light came on. Checked the codes and found that 23 and 24 came on after running in mode 3, (self diagnosis system).
ANSWER: Patrick,

THe safety switch for your car would be under the dash on the clutch pedal stop.  Wire around it and see if you get power to the starter.  Now, I am assuming the car does not crank.  If it does but you get no power to the coil would mean that the problem lies with the ignition switch.  If there is no power getting out of the distributor then it would be suspect.

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QUESTION: Von, I checked the coils resistance,the primary is 1.0 ohms- secondary is 10.0 ohms. I did check power to the coils it was 9.72 v to each coil. while the engine was turning- What next? Im having a very hard time trying to figure this issue out. PS do all the vacuum hoses need to be connected? I also checked the power to the distributor via the crank angle sensor harness connector it showed batter voltage going to dist.
Thank You again for the help
ANSWER: Patrick,

If you are getting fire to the coils then you need to see if the plugs are getting fire on their end.  Remove a wire from a plug and insert a wire so you can hold it close to the block, but not touching, and have someone turn the engine over.  If you have spark then you need to look at getting the fuel system checked.  Could be something as simple as the fuel pump relay.  So, get a fuel pressure gauge and check the pressure.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I get battery voltage to the coils and out 11.5v  I get no power to the plugs,I checked the dist. cap and wires and they worked on my 82 nissan is it possible that the transformer on the coil is the problem and not allowing the coil to reach high voltage I own a 82 nissan and when I start the truck I get 120V a.c out of the plug wires.

Thank you


Sounds like you have a bad distributor.  There is an optical pickup and receiver in the bottom of the distributor under the cover that is under the rotor.  Remove the rotor and rotor post and cover and look for the presence of oil.  If there is oil replace the distributor and you should be fine.