Nissan Repair: 98 Nissan Altima, fuel pressure regulator, nissan altima

I've been having a problem with my car stalling it seems once a year. When it stalls it blows out smoke and smells like raw gas. Then immediatly after it's fine. This time the check engine light is on and when I go for gas it keeps popping out as if it were full when it's not. I'm about to goto autozone now to get the code but was wondering what it could possibly be that would cause something like that?  


If the car is overfilled with gas the evaporative canister is probably overflowing and that could set the check engine light.  But, the fuel richness could be due to a plugged up fuel filter or a defective fuel pressure regulator.  Now, since you say it does it and then it goes away I would say a hung up injector.  Get some fuel treatment and put it in with a full tank of premium and see how it runs.  Email me back with the code and I will let you know what gives with that...