Nissan Repair: overheating in 1990 reecok sport, blown head gasket, radiator cap

after driving for about 10 mins the car begings to over heat and the overflow tank becomes emply and the car just boils. it is like the radiator is doin nothing?


You could have a couple of problems here.

1.  The thermostat could be stuck and the radiator cap could be defective.

2.  Radiator could be plugged or the fan is not working.

3.  Blown head gasket.  This would have to be checked using the CO2 method of checking for exhaust in the radiator.

4.  Plugged converter on the exhaust.

I would check the cap and thermostat first and then do the CO check and then the converter as this cheapest to most expensive.  And, I forgot to mention that the waterpump might be twisted on the shaft.  That is, the impeller could be loose and not pumping water.