Nissan Repair: Pathfinder sometimes wont start, neutral safety switch, best thought

Six months ago I drove my 1999 Pathfinder (w/ 85,000 miles) a mile to the bank and parked. When I returned to the car 5 minutes later the car wouldn't start. I had full battery power but no clicks or cranking when I turned the key. Had it towed to the dealership but the tech who checked it could find no started every time for him. The same scenario has occurred 6 or 7 times since then, however, on these occassion I just sat and waited, trying the key occassionally.
Then all of a sudden 30-60 minutes later the car will start right up with no hesitation. Time passing seems to be the element that makes the difference. Any ideas as to what might be going on?


When it happens try shifting from park to neutral to see if it is the starter safety interlock that is causing the problem.  If you have a manual press in the clutch repeatedly while turning the key.  Be sure the manual transmission is in neutral when you do this, if you have a manual.  This would be my best thought on the matter as the starter interlock will cause the problem.  If it were the ignition anti theft feature the car would turn over but not start.  So, my first thought is the neutral safety switch.