Nissan Repair: External Voltage Regulator, external voltage, marine div

1. How could anyone NOT support our troops? sad, sad, sad people

2. 1988 Nissan SEV6 4x4, 3.0L VG30i V6: the voltmeter started reading 9V compared to the usual 14V.  However, repeated cranking although slow, didnt seem to drain the battery.

Autozone tested the alternator and it was fine, they said to try the external voltage regulator.  Before I spend $90, would this be the next logical step? and where is the external voltage regulator located on this truck?

1...THANKS  !!!!!!!......i have a son attached to the 4th marine div...........

2... there is no external voltage reg........never use an alt or rebuilt elect from advance, auto zone  etc.  .....i use nissan rebuilds or those from car quest.......have the chg/start system load tested //// ALL ELECTRICS IN USE   then 2000 chg should be 13.8 to 14.2........
check the fuse links and fuses........get back if you need more info