Oldsmobile/Buick Repair: Electrical problem, internal faults, fuse box

Hi my 98 olds intrigue headlights flicker and the dash lights dim and get bright along with the rpm going up and down. also some warnning lights light up on the dash. all of this affects my transmission causing a really slow start while in drive, feels like the car starts from second or third gear. when this happens i need to shut the car off and wait around 30 seconds and start the car again and then it runs fine. i have changed the alternator several times and have changed the battery also. please could help me solve this problem. Thank you!

I see 3 items that are common to these problems.
1) the battery cable from battery to the underhood fuse box. Where it bolts on the box, it is REALLY common to see a fault.
2)The underhood fuse box itself. The TRANS fuse and headlamp fuses go through the box. It is actually a junction box for wiring. Any internal faults or loose connections could make problems.
3) The ignition switch. The power goes through the switch and out to the various electrical components. I have seen alot of ignition switches cause many different problems.
You also could check the grounds located on the transaxle studs. All these items also use that as their grounding point.
I Hope all this helps.
Good luck