Oldsmobile/Buick Repair: 1996 Buick Regal Turn Signal Switch Location, turn signal switch, left blinker

The turn signal switch on my 1996 Buick Regal is in need of replacement. However, I don't know where it is located under/inside the dash nor what I am looking for.

It works fine only if fully engaged for the left blinker, but the right blinker must be 'pumped' usually.  On a rare occasion, the right one will work.

I know it is not the flasher unit.  That leaves the switch (under the dash somewhere) or replacing the switch in the steering column.
Obviously, I want it to be the one under the dash.

Thank you,
Sandy in Wyoming

Hi Sandy

The flasher is under the left side of the dash mounted to the brake pedal bracket,the turn signal switch is the only one and yes that is the one in the column,it sounds like its the turn signal switch,though make sure all the lights/bulbs work,i have seen the rear tail/brake bulbs sockets get hot and melt causing a short.