Oldsmobile/Buick Repair: Bleeding ABS Brakes, caliper pistons, cutlass supreme

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Question -
I just replaced the Rear Right Caliper and all the rear Disc Pads on my 1992 Cutlass Supreme Convertible. It has ABS so I am having trouble bleeding the system and getting the pedal to get stiff and the brakes to work properly.
Answer -
There is nothing different in the procedure when bleeding air from standard brakes vs ABS brakes with the exception is that ABS brakes tend to feel softer at the pedal than non ABS brakes.

What makes you feel that the brakes are NOT working

Follow up Reply...

Dear Tom,

  The brake pedal on the above mentioned Car GOES TO THE FLOOR...and I can Hardley Stop....


There are ONLY 2 possibilities:

1. Air in the system. as you are not bleeding them correctly.

2. You did not adjust the rear calipers before you re-installed them as some models rewuire that you use a special tool to turn the caliper pistons.

What you are going to need is a service manual with the instructional procedures as trying to explain how to perform all the adjustments and properly bleed the system is impossible unless you are physically shown.
