Oldsmobile/Buick Repair: Chevy Celebrity parts for Buick Skylark, buick skylark, chevy celebrity

We have an '84 Chevy Celebrity that's gone bad but still has good parts like brake discs, calipers, brake pads, rear shocks, and tires.

I was wondering if any of those parts are compatible with a '90 Buick Skylark, so I can transfer the parts to the Skylark. It would be a waste to dispose of the Celebrity with its good parts intact.

Hi David,
Actually, you could call parts houses, and ask for the cost and part numbers for a specific part for the Celeb, and then ask for the same part for the Skylark, and see if they are the same.
A salvage yard often has a interchange book, and they might help you if you end up selling the remains to them.