Pontiac Repair: 2005 G6 GT

Hello, I replaced my struts on 09/01/2013 but still heard a noise for awhile after. I took it to the shop and one of the struts that I got, while both came fully assemble with the spring/coil, was assembled wrong with the spring facing the wrong way. I had them replaced AGAIN this past weekend and now the noise while turning is gone but there is a clanking while hitting low points in the road...almost like a loose plate sound? Can you advise me on what this could be please? Thanks!

Hi Casey:

well with out hearing it I can only guess. These cars were noted for lower control arm rear bushing pulling out of the arms. Also the upper strut mounts were noted for making noise. if you hear it on a wash board type of raod I would look for something down low like the busing I noted or a sway bar bushing. noises are hard to figure out when your driving the car let along over the internet. suspension noises travle through the car so it's hard to pin point them. Good luck :-)