Pontiac Repair: error message where my mileage suppose to be, negative battery cable, pontiac g6

hello i have a 2008 pontiac g6 not sure engine size but about 3 weeks ago i gave some one a jump and after the jump i turn my car off and went into the store came back and it wouldnt start so i tap the battery post cause i was lose and i started..now the other day the car has been starting fine until went in the store came back out and it didnt start thats when that message on the odermeter said error every thing works in the car as normal but it just want start....can u please help me...

Hi Angel:

I think your right on with what is wrong. My guess is a negative battery cable issue. That car has issue with the cables breaking off at the engine. the reason all the other thinsg work is there is a small cable that splits off to the body to runn the accessories but the big cable is needed to crank the car so give a tug on the battery cable and see if indeed to did break off at the engine. good luck :-}