Pontiac Repair: Transmission wont engage., pontiac bonneville, gear set

Weird thing happened today. My wife is driving home in our 1993 Pontiac Bonneville (3800 V-6 engine)and while stopped at a traffic light the transmission completely disengages. The car starts and runs fine but when you move the shift lever to drive nothing engages at all. In park, the car responds to the accelerator and revs normally but won't engage any gear forward or reverse at all. Is this an electrical or mechanical issue in your opinion and is there anything I can do short of having it towed to a mechanic? Thanks for any help you can provide.

Hi Mark:

It's mechanical for sure. But what? it can be a bad pump in the transnmission or low on fluid due to a leak. it can be a broken gear set inside the transmission or a broken drive chain. no matter what it is it's going to have to come aparts to find out what happened. Being that the car is 17 years old you should think long and hard about if you want to spend the money on it or not.. It's not going to be a cheap fix sorry to say.. good luck :)