Pontiac Repair: transmission question, pontiac grand prix, 4t60e transmission

Will a 4t60e transmission fit in a 2003 Pontiac Grand Prix SE 3.1 V6?

Hi Antone:
Well it depends on what it came out of. usually Grandprix's are equipped with 4t65E trasnmission wihich is a stronger version of the 60E. if it came out of another 2003 "W" body GM car with with a 3100 engine then yes it should work but if it came out of a different year car and with any other engine  then no it will not work. The other issue is the final drive ratio in the transaxle if it's not the same as what was in the car it will throw off the speedo and the trasnmisson shift points so with all that to consider I would look for a transmission that came out of anothere 2003 Grand prix with a 3100 engine and put nothing in your car but one out of a like car. Good luck :)