Pontiac Repair: draining battery, power trunk release, power door locks

In 24 to 48 hours my battery will go dead, something is pulling the juice. I ran a test light between (+) cable and battery, starting pulling fuses,test light did not go off, went to bigger fuses under hood, first time I found by pulling a 60amp fuse for: horn/power door locks/trunk release, test light would turn off,battery will hold charge. Came back weeks later to look for short, replaced 60amp fuse, test light came back on, but when I pulled the fuse the test light only dimmed. Now I'm sure my problem is within one of the 3 ( horn/power door locks/power trunk release)I think it's not the horn, because it would sound all the time, I pulled the wires at the button in the drivers door for power door locks, and the wires for the trunk release at the unit in the trunk lid, put fuse back and battery is dead in 48 hours or less. Where do I go next?
Thank you for your time.

Hi Jerry:

well you already did part of the detictive work here by narrowing it down to a single Maxi-fuse. That Maxi fuse feeds other fuses inside the car. this car has 3 fuse boxes. the one under the hood and there are 2 inside the car one under the steering column and one under the blove box. your going to have to pull fuses 1 by one inside the car to see what fuse removes the drain. Using a test light works but it's not fool proof. You need a digital volt ohm meter and hook it up like you did your test lamp. and see how much of a drain you have. anything ove say 25 millimaps is high. You have to turn the key off and let the car sit atleast 20 minutes for all the modules to power down then start looking for the fuse that has a draw. My guess would be a few things eithere and interior lamps fuse,Auto climate control if equipped, or auto level control for the suspension if this car is equipped.. Good luck :)