Pontiac Repair: 1998 Pontiac Transport Montana, montana drive, pontiac transport

Drive vehicle 5 miles, turn engine off try to start won't start.
Let set for an hour, starts right up like nothing is wrong & runs great.
When eng doesn't start it is getting fire at s/plugs and you can here the fuel pump running in the tank.

Hi Charles:

has any service engine lamp come on? If so start there if not they you have to do some more diffing. just because you hear the pump run doesn't mean it has enough pressure to allow the van to run. I's start by doing a fuel pressure test thatengine needs about 45 PSi of pressure to run. If it has that then I would check to see if the injectors are getting a pulse from the computer buy a "noid" light for that van and plug it in in place of one of the injectors and see if they are "plusing" win it will not start. Good luck :)