Pontiac Repair: 2000 G.P. gt magnasteer rack, metal flakes, ohm meter

lost power steering. replaced pump didn't help!
1. Could the rack malfunction due to an error in the
electronics and after I replace the rack and pinion still
be the same?
2. Can I check with volt/ohm meter at rack plug? How?
3. I don't have access to a body code reader, How much
would that cost at dealer appox?  
4. Read that a 04 comes out the dr side wheel well, while a
97 towards back after lowering carriage, which way is the
easier way on a '00?

Hi Steve:
if you unplug the steering gear electrical connector it should hve full assist. if not the issue is not with the magna steer system. a dealr will uaually charge you an hours labor to check out the system so the cost is what ever their labor rate is for 1 hour of time. I don't know the exact Ohm reading of the rack. But like I said if you unplug it it should hve full assist if not then your issue is with either a new pump that's bad or a rack that is bad. what happened to the pump did it break apart inside and did it have metal flakes in the fluid? If so then the system should hve been flushed out because that will damage a new pump or rack if the old dirty fluid was not flushed out. Good luck :)