Pontiac Repair: A/C, pontiac firebird formula, pontiac firebird

1995 pontiac firebird formula engine V-8
How can I jumper the A/C compressor clutch to engage in order to add 134a charge.  Thanks Ron

Hi Ron:

I don't think you can on that car. If there is a 2 wire switch on the accumulator you can jum that switch with the a/c in the on position. But I belive that car DOESN't have that I think that car has a pressure transducer which is a 3 wire switch on the HI side line and you can't jump that one. If you put the new can of 134A on and turn on the a/c and the open the valve on that can that should put enough pressure into the system to allow it to turn on though. You may have another issue other than just low on a charge..