Pontiac Repair: 99 sunfire 2.2L automatic wont start, crank sensor, pink wire

My car was fine the day befor, it didnt give me no problems.The next day when I went to start my car it turned but almost died for a sec then started.Now the car always stuttered a little but always started fine.This time it was like something was missing from the equation.I drove it 30 mins on the highway to work and the car was fine, no problems at all.The same thing though happened agin when I went to start it 4 hours later.I was on the highway doing a reasonable speed on my way home and my car did fine.When I slowed down to go on the off ramp my car died.My steering went and all the lights on the dash came up.I tried to start the car and it would turn but something was missing and it would not start.When I got it home I tested for spark and I didnt have any.Also my hazard lights would work and all the other electrical would too but my signal lights on their own wouldnt.I guess my question is what happened and why wont my car start?

Hi Billy:

You may have more than one issue with this car.. but right now it will not start and has no spark?? You need to check the to see if you have power and ground to thge ignition module. it should have have power on the pink wire at the module and ground on the black wire. there are 2 wires to the crank sensor they are purple and yellow you should have between say 800 to 1500 ohms across those wires if not the crank sensor is bad. if it does check for ac voltage across those 2 wires while cranking the engine over it should be over 100 MV if so I would venture to say it's a bad module if you are missing spark on both coils. hope that helps :}