Pontiac Repair: 1999 Grand AM Turn Signal, turn signal flasher, pontiac grand am

I have a 1999 Pontiac Grand AM SE 4-cylinder. Whenever I turn my signal off, either side, the clicking sound continues to click for a few seconds, even though the actual signal is off. I have heard it is a bad relay in the dash. I had the flasher replaced about three months ago and in just the last two weeks my signals have started to click and blink fast. I have checked the bulbs and all are still working. My questions are, does the flasher have anything to do with the signal clicking after the signal is off? If it might be a bad relay, where is it located in my car? Last question, if it is the relay, is it expensive to fix?

There is a special policy for your vehicle for 10 years or 150,000 miles.
It is for the turn signal flasher.
If your vehicle has already had this preformed, I would HIGHLY suspect the turn signal switch itself (Multi function switch).
I have seen this switch cause the EXACT problem on other vehicles.
I hope this helps.
Good luck