RV Repair: rv roof, roof bad replace

Hi, I have a 32 ft 1991 travel trailer. I have leaks one leak has messed up the ceiling.  looked up top and the rubber roof has holes, can you please tell me how to replace my roof the cheapest way possible, I plan on ripping the old off re sheeting what is necessary they gluing down roll roofing is this wise? Please help.  Thanks, POOR BOY

where are you located? as far as you can tell is the wood all good and you think that you can get away with a new sheet of EPDM? if so i have the perfect thing for you, if the wood is bad and there is water damage then you will have to rebuild the roof, no way around that. and its a pain. In a shop you would be looking at almost $4-5000 for a new roof. but there are other options for about half the price. IF you are located near virginia I would like it if you would call (757) 473-9383 that is the number for Erics RV Center and he can advise you better than anyone for getting a new Roof.  Also ask him about ReCover*