RV Repair: Onan 3600 Micro Quiet Dies, cranks, spark plug

I have Onan 3600 Micro Quiet Propane version.  It is 1 year old and has 35 hours on it.  It ran fine until one day it began to run very rough, then a few minutes later it died.  The next day it was very hard to start.  Again, it ran very rough and then died after about 5 minutes.  Now it wont start up.  It cranks and has a good spark, but it wont run.  Please help!  There is plenty of propane, the valve is open, the oil is full and the spark plug clean.  Thanks in advance.  -Steve

Steve, It sounds to me like for some reason you have lost propane pressure and now it won't run. The pressure is different to the generator than the coach and you will want to see that you have the right pressure to the generator. You may also want to try and start it without any load on it to see if that will get it to start. If this is not your problem let me know and we can go from there. Thanks, Bill