Saturn Repair: 1998 Saturn SW2 will not start in the heat, saturn sw2, crankshaft sensor

For the past three months my car will not start if it has been sitting in the heat. If I turn it off and wait a little bit it will usually then start up after several tries.
It starts perfectly fine if it is cold outside, like in the mornings or nights. The coolant temp sensor and crankshaft sensor were already replaced. Problem still happens. Dealership says it is an electrical problem and is admittedly "guessing" it is the main computer failing.

Sounds kinda odd to me. Usually a car that will not start in the heat has a starter problem. But if it starts in the cold and will restart after a long drive on a cold day, then that isn't the case. The main computer board could indeed be getting too hot and locking up, much like a PC does if it overheats. Without scanning the car and reading it actual values that it is putting out, I can't give an accurate answer. But their guess sounds reasonable.