Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): Older MTD 15.5 quits running, fuel tank cap, oil viscosity

I have a MTD Huskee 15.5 riding lawn mower.

Model # 13A0673G131 (printed under it is 44-9751-8)
Serial # 1D149B40027

I have been mowing all spring and up until now.  The mower just quit the other day after about 10 minutes of running.  Oil checked out ok.  I changed the oil today and tried it again.  It quit after 2 minutes.  It seems to be overheating and shutting down, but I am no mechanic.  Any help would be much appreciated.

Running for a few minutes would not cause the mower to over heat.If the engine starts easily but dies after a few seconds.

Possible causes:

  1. Fuel tank is empty or shutoff valve is closed, or fuel line or    fuel tank cap vent is clogged.
  2. Carburetor is overchoked.
  3. Carburetor is improperly adjusted or needs service.
Now if the Engine does overheats.
Possible causes:

  1. Magneto is not timed properly.
  2. Carburetor set too lean.
  3. Air intake or cooling fins are clogged.
  4. Shroud or blower housing missing.
  5. Excessive load.
  6. Insufficient or excessive oil.
  7. Improper oil viscosity (4 stroke) or mixture (2 stroke)
  8. Valve clearance is too small.
  9. Excessive carbon buildup in combustion chamber