Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): B&S engine wont start, garden tiller, pipe screen

B&S model 130292, Type 0159. This engine is on my garden tiller. I replaced the points, condenser & plug. Wouldn't start. I sprayed some starting fluid under the plug, replaced the plug and the engine started with the second pull of the cord.

Tried it without the starting fluid, but it still wouldn't start. Sprayed in some fluid a second time and agin the engine started.

Today I put a bit of gasoline under the plug. The engine starter and ran for just a few seconds, as with the starting fluid.

Within seconds of putting the gasoline under the plug, some of it was leaking out around the choke at the very end of the Pulsa-Jet carburetor.

What would cause the leak and why will the engine only start when gasoline or starting fluid is put under the plug?

By the way, before using the starting fluid, I cranked the engine several times and checked the plug. It was dry and there was no smell of gasoline on it.

Note the screw pointed out with the red arrow in the photo. This is where the carburetor attaches to the top of the fuel tank. The screw has loosened and is backed out about 1/2 way. Could that cause an air leak and prevent fuel from getting from the tank to the plug?


You are having a fuel starving problem as you have properly diagnosed.  The engine will start if you assist it with a little fuel.  As soon as it runs out of fuel the engine quits.

If you remove your TANK and CARB assembly first, then remove the carb from the tank, you will see a plastic pipe attached to the copper inlet pipe, carefully remove this pipe and clean the screen or replace the pipe screen assembly.  Remove the diaphragm on the side of the carb and make sure that this pipe is not plugged.  Replace the diaphragm with a new one - be careful and observe how the spring and retainer fit in there. Completely disassemble the carb and clean with carb cleaner, blow out all orifices.  Its essential for proper fuel pickup.make sure the "cup" in he fuel tank is not corroded and full of dirt, you will see what i mean you disassemble it.

After you reassemble all this turn your idle screw in all the way until it bottoms out and turn back out 1 turn.  This will not be perfect, but it will get it started.

IF the engine does not start after you have done this you will need to do a valve job.  Proper valve function is essential for this engine to draw the fuel into the cylinder.

"Within seconds of putting the gasoline under the plug, some of it was leaking out around the choke at the very end of the Pulsa-Jet carburetor."  

I am assuming the intake valve was open and this is why it leaked...No big worry here...
I hope this helps....
