Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): Sears Eager I Tecumseh-powered self-propelled mower, damp basement, tecumseh engine

QUESTION: Hi Eric and Thank You for providing this great service!
I received a Sears Eager I self-propelled push mower powered by a 6 HP Tecumseh engine - Model # 917 376 290.  A friend had the mower stored in his (rather damp) basement for a couple years, and had drained all the gasoline prior.  I can't get the mower to start, and it doesn't even sound like it is trying to.  I cleaned the spark plug & tried starting the mower with the air filter off to no avail.  I also removed the screw that holds the carb. bowl and used a pin and carb cleaner to flush out the gunk that was clogging the hold in the screw, thinking for sure this would solve the problem (I had a tecumseh mower in the past and this did the trick then).  I would very much appreciate any suggestions you can offer.

Thanks again,


ANSWER: When you pull the string, does the engine feel like it has compression?  Do you have spark?  If you remove the air filter and spray starting fluid directly into the carburetor will the engine try to start?

Have you checked out this link:

Did you google Tecumseh carburetor rebuild or overhaul or maintenance?

Let me know.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

Truth is, I'm not sure if there's spark; I had my wife hold the end of the connector close to the plug while I pulled the cord, and she said she couldn't see a spark.  But ... and I forgot to mention this to you before - on 3 separate occasions, after a lot of pulling, it almost seemed as if the engine fired ever so slightly.  When this happened, the pull cord would yank back extremely forcefully - so much that it caught my arm & gave me a huge bruise and slight cut.  Then some smoke quietly came out of the muffler.

I did spray starting fluid into the carb (I removed the air filter and sprayed a bit into the opening that was left -- that's the carb., - right?)  (I hope!).

There does seem to be compression.

Finally, I did clean the spark plug, but I want to replace it anyway.  I'm not certain that the one that's in the mower currently is the proper one -- is there a way I can find out exactly what spark plug to buy.  Walmart has several small engine plugs & I wasn't sure which to buy, so I didn't.

Thanks a million!


The kickback you describe is often caused my a sheared flywheel key.  Use the link below, it describes how to inspect and replace the flywheel key.  An electric, or better yet, and air impact wrench makes removing the flywheel nut really easy.  Check the flywheel key.  I would also recommend having someone help you check the cranshaft to see if it is bent.  Have a helper stand on the mower handle so the spark plug faces the sky and you can see under the mower.  Remove the spark plug, have the helper pull the string while you watch the mower blade.  It is appears to wobble, then the crankshaft is bent.  These days, a bent shaft is not worth fixing.  If the shaft is straight you should remove the blade and blade adapter to make sure the blade adapter key and the adapter itself is not loose, wore or cracked.  A loose blade or blade adapter will cause kickback or flywheel keys to shear.