Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): John Deere RX95 Riding Mower, kawasaki engine, air mixture

My John Deere RX95 Riding Mower has a 12.5 HP Kawasaki Engine.  The engine starts easily but the governor is constantly cycling at all throttle positions which causes the engine to sound like it is running a "little rough".  It will also start to backfire especially when I back off on the throttle.  While it is running, if I manually close the damper linkage approximately half way the engine starts to run smoothly and the governor stabalizes.  Are there any adjustments you can point out and recommend to get the engine to run smoothly. (This is the same mower that bogged down and shut down after running for about 20 minutes, a question I previously asked about and have not tested your response yet.  It did run for a complete cutting last time after I changed the oil, air filter, gas filter and cleaned the fuel pump. But it runs rough as explained above.)

Thank you,


Hello Michael:

You can View a Breakdown/IPL of the Mower at this Site Addy, and Enter the Model Numbers (RX95) and Click Find. Then Select the Sectional File. Then Select the Section of the Mower you Wish to View Online. The Only Mixture Screw for this Carburetor is the Idle Air Mixture Screw (#16). I Suggest you Check the Anti-Diesel Solenoid and Clean the Carburetor. To Check the Solenoid. If the Carburetor Shut Off Solenoid has Current when the Ign Switch is Turned to the On Position, then Remove the Carburetor Solenoid and Go to the Hardware Store. Purchase a Bolt of the Same Diameter and Threads. It Needs to be 3/4" Long. Put this Bolt in Place of the Solenoid. If this Corrects the Engine Problem, then Replace the Solenoid. ***NOTE: THIS IS FOR CHECKING THE SOLENOID ONLY I NEVER SUGGEST YOU OPERATE THE ENGINE WITH THE SOLENOID OUT OF THE CARBURETOR EXCEPT FOR TESTING PURPOSES*** Sometimes the Plunger is Moving, Just Not Far Enough to Allow the Gas to Enter the Jets. The Idle Air Screw is Set at 1 1/2 Turns from Seat. Then Adjust so there is No Hesitation when Throttling from Idle to Full Throttle. From your Description I Suggest you  Remove, Disassemble and Soak the Carburetor Overnight in Carburetor Cleaner (I Use Gunk). I have Found that Most People can Use a Breakdown/IPL and Disassemble the Carburetor Enough for Proper Cleaning. You Only have to Remove the Bowl, Float Pin, Float and Needle Valve and Any Adjustment Screws that Go Into the Carburetor Body. The Welch Plugs Do Not have to be Removed. Then Soak the Carburetor Body and Parts in a 1 Gallon Can of Gunk Carburetor Cleaner Overnight. The Can has a Parts Tray Inside it for the Small Parts. Once the Carburetor and Parts are in the Cleaner, you can Replace the Lid for Safety and to Prevent Accidental Spillage. Then Blow Out the Passages with Compressed Air. Install New Parts if Required. Hope this Helps. I am Here if You Require More Assistance. Let me Know What Happens, Please. Thanks.

Good Luck



PS: I am Allowed to Answer 10 Questions a Day. If you See I am Maxxed Out, then Try Submitting your Question at or Just After 9pm EST (US). My New Day Starts then. Thanks.

