Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): Snapper mower wont start, mistress natalie, snapper mower

Dear Paul,
My wife was mowing the grass while I was gone 2 weeks and left it out in the rain for acouple of days.It doesn't appear that water can get in the tank.Any ideas would be great.

Wow, Joe, you really gave me a lot to work with.
I'll call "'Mistress Natalie's psychic hotline" and see if she can help.

I am here to answer questions when presented with facts.  I'm not going to waste my or your time guessing.  You said yourself that water couldn't get in the tank!  At my dealer every piece of equipment that we own and every piece we work on sits in the rain 24-7.

I can handle the 1 for courtesy, or the 1 for timelieness. If I'm such an ass why did you give me 10s.  I spend 15 hours a week answering these questions.  Look at my rankings!  If you give me facts I can help.  Bitching about the wife leaving the mower outside, which is really all you did, Doesn't help me answer your question. Don't be pissed at me, be pissed at your wife.

Face it. You spent 1 minute writing your question and I spent 1 minute to answer.

And yes.  I ate to much acid in high school.