Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): MTD Rear Tine Tiller Wont Start, rear tine tiller, fly wheel

Mr. Bridgers, I usually have to sand the rust off the fly wheel, but this year that's not working. Sometimes I can get it to shock me, but never will it fire off. I've even tried spraying the carb and made sure it was clean. When I put the pull cord back on I can't get any fire to the plug. So I take and sand everything again, turn over by hand  

 Hello Brent:

  Did it Fly Off and is Stuck to the Blower Housing? If No, Is the Magnet on the Flywheel Still Good? If Yes, Then with the Blower Housing Removed; Remove the Shut Off Wire from the Coil. Turn the Engine and Check for Fire. If the Coil Gap is Set to Approximately .020in and If No Fire, then the Coil is Bad. If it Fires then the Cut Off Or the Cut Off Wire is Bad. You are Using a New Plug to Check the Fire? Hope this Helps. I am here if you Require more Assistance. Let me know what Happens, Please. Thanks.

 Good Luck

