Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): Honda HR214SX, drive gears, arinet

My father gave me an older Honda HR214SX mower which worked fine for a year or so, but now the self propelled drive no longer works. I have seen where parts are still available, is there a common failing part(s) in the transmission such as the high and low drive gears? I am a somewhat skilled hobby mechanic and would like to have parts before I go tearing into it. Is it worth the trouble?


 Hello Steve:

 Go to this Addy and Select the Catalog American Honda. From here you should be Able to Locate a Breakdown/IPL of the Mower and the Transmission. There is Really No Part that Commonly Fails in these Transmissions. Usually the Drive Belt will Break or a Shaft Key will Shear. Sometimes the Teeth on the Internal Drive will Break Off. Sometimes the Internal Clutch will Crack. Hope this helps. I am here if you Require more Assistance. Let me know what Happens, Please. Thanks.

 Good Luck



 PS The Addy I gave you is New to Me and I would like to Know if it was Helpful. Thanks Again.

