Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): tractor will not start, 30 amp fuse, motor windings

Hi again,A friend stopped by over the weekend-he brought his circut tester with,the electric clutch ended up being the problem,he found while testing the wires to the clutch that they were all giving a postive reading he thought at least one should reading should be dead,we took the clutch apart and the motor windings were ground to a least we were both on the right track....I hope this might be of help to someone who might in the future have a similar problem.Thanks again for your time...Dennis...

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Hello John,still not working,I've replaced the starter & the rectifier-regulator since I received your last answer.I have pulled out the plugs with the plug wire attached cranked the engine and I'm getting spark;although it's not a strong looking blue spark(maybe not enough spark?)I have also poured about 1/8 cup of gas directly into the carb..hoping that it would at least fire when I cranked it..which it did not.I don't know but it doesn't seem to be cranking over as fast as it did before I had this you think I should try replacing the Ignition Module next,or there is a shop where I've been getting most of my parts they also do repairs;maybe I should consider bringing it to them...I know that's more of a personal choice but I'm running out of you have any thoughts or does the Ignition Module sound reasonable to you?Maybe the Stator...I don't know what this does exactly...Thanks again for your time...Dennis...

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craftsman kohler engine #MV18S type #58560 magnum 18hp twin cylinder.This is a 1994 tractor,it just quit running when I was mowing last week.I replaced a blown 30 amp fuse,had the starter and battery checked and replaced the solenoid.Still does not start.It will crank over for about 10 seconds then acts like the battery is dead and stops cranking,I wait for few minutes and crank it again and it does the same thing,P.S.,I checked the headlights and they come on bright even when the engine will crank over no more,is this some sort of a internal engine problem-it has been well maintained since new.

Answer -
 Hello Dennis:

 Did you have the Starter Load Tested? Some Starters will Show Good Until Under a Load(Turning the Engine). Are the Wires from the Battery to the Soleniod and from the Soleniod to the Starter in Good Condition? Do these Wires Heat Up when trying to Start the Engine? From your Description, I Think the Starter or the Wires are going to be the Cause of the Problem. Go to this Addy and Follow the Instruction to see the Breakdown for this Engine. Hope this Helps. Let me know what Happens, Please. I enjoy knowing the Outcome. Thanks.

 Good Luck



Answer -
 Hello Dennis:

 Since we havent Located the Caues of your Problem, I Suggest you Take the Mower In to the Shop. We have gone over the Causes that are Most Common and things I feel Homeowners can Do with no Problems. Now we are Getting into Techinal Areas that are Better Handled by Someone who Works on them Everyday and have the Required Tools to Do the Job that is Required Now. Sorry I couldnt be of more Assistance. It does Happen from time to time. Thanks.

 Good Luck



 Hello Dennis:

 Great!! Thanks for the Update. I will add this to my List. Happy Mowing. May All your Mechanical Problems be SMALL ONES and May the All Mighty Bless You and Yours. Thanks for the Email. Till next Time.

 Best Wishes and Good Luck

