Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): 18.5 hp twin ll wont start, lawntractor, safety switch

My lawntractor won't start,I've put in a new battery,clean the 2 spark plugs,even pour alittle gas into the carb,it turns but won't kick over,then the battery get's weak after awhile.It's the first time this year that I needed to use it and also do the seat with the cut-off feature or the mowerdeck would have anything to do with it not starting.The reason I said mowerdeck is cause 1 side seems to hang lower than the side with the lever,like someone been standing on it.Thank-You  

 Hello Don:

 Check the Blade Safety Switch. Send me the Model Numbeers Off of the Mower and Off of the Engine, Please. With these Nimbers I can View a Breakdown of the Mower and Better Assist you. Thanks.

 Good Luck

