Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): ------------------------- ..., craftsman riding lawn mower, jumper wire

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Question -
I own a Craftsman riding lawn mower. I recntly purchased a new battery. I had the negative hooked to battery. When I touched the positive to battery the motor started turning over attemtping to start. The key was not even in the mower. The cables are connected in the proper way.
Answer -
Hi Reggie,

If the wires are the same as when it started and ran fine, then I suspect a faulty solenoid.  Follow my "Not Cranking" proceedure below.  See the section on the soleniod and disregard the non-applicable sections concerning not cranking.

Let me know how you make out.

I would check the starter first.  Jump the positive battery terminal to the starter and it should crank over. If so, skip to step 2.
If not, jump from a battery that you know is good, from a car.  If still nothing, the starter is bad.  If good, then the mower battery is weak.  

Step 2.
If the starter and battery are good, you will need to trace the entire circuit from the starter to the battery.   The solenoid, switches the battery power to the starter, when power from the key switch is sent to the small terminal on the solenoid. To test the solenoid, first make sure that you have power at its large terminal which comes from the battery. Then jump power from that terminal or the battery positive post, to its small terminal. You should hear a click and the other large terminal that feeds the starter should be energized. If not, then the solenoid is bad. If good, then continue tracing the power through the key switch to the battery until you find the break in the power path.   All testing can be done with a 12 volt light or a voltmeter.  Most equipment has safety switches in  the seat and on the blade engagement lever. Check them by temporarily bypassing with a small jumper wire.


What do you mean by jumping the positive power terminal to starter?
Jump power to small terminal on solenoid? Does this mean take cable that comes from battery and put it on the post on solenoid that goes to starter? The positive cable goes to solenoid and then another cable goes fron solenoid to starter. Is that correct? I think I know what you are saying, just want to be sure.
Thanks for your answers and patiance.

Hi Reggie,

In the first paragraph when I mention jumping the positive battery terminal to the starter:  Use a jumper cable connected to the positive terminal of the battery and momentarily touch it to the starter terminal. You could also, as you mention, disconnect the existing battery-to-solenoid cable and touch it to the other large solenoid terminal.  For step 2, a separate jumper cable from the battery positive terminal is touched to the small terminal on the soleniod.  All these tests should only be momemtary and not connected with nuts.  Yes, the factory battery positive cable goes to the solenoid large terminal.  The other solenoid large terminal should connect to the starter.  The small solenoid terminal should receive battery power and activate when the key switch is turned to "start".
