Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): Govenor Question, briggs stratton, carborator

Eric, I have a 7 year-old Toro mower, Model #20846 (SR-210S Recycler). It has a 6.5 Toro motor which is supposed to be the same as a Briggs & Stratton. The first year I got it, I knocked the oil fill tube against the swing set and had to replace the govenor. That worked fine for three years. Now I  can't get it to idle at all. It is at a very high idle all the time even after I have bent my idle control arm back to try to slow it down. Also I had the carborator rebuilt but it's still doing the same thing just -very high idle. Do I need a different carb or is my govenor bad? I did put a new govenor in again last year but it did the same thing. My lawn guy here thought I may need to replace the carb.  What is your opinion? Thank you.

We rarely, if ever, replace the governor on the Briggs engine.

However, we have replaced many governors on the Tecumseh engnes.

Look for the engine model number.  If it starts with a TNT then the engine is a Tecumseh.  If the engine model nubmer starts with 12,13 or similar number then it's a Briggs.

Let me know what you find.