Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): lawn mower wont even start, internal passages, lawnmore

Hello i was wondering if you could help me out i have a lawnmore it its a techmish legend (if i spelled it right) and heres the problem it woudn't start so i put some gas behind the spark plug then it did so it gets fire just not gas how can i fix this? please help me. :(

If it will start AND NOT CONTINUE TO RUN with a squirt of fuel, the problem is with the carb.  You will need to remove and thoroughly clean the carb, including pushing a piece of tag wire through the internal passages and follow up with aerosol carb cleaner.    If it starts and CONINUES TO RUN after a squirt of fuel, the problem could be something as simple as the choke being improperly adjusted or the primer being inoperative (depending on which system your engine has).  Hope this helps.