Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): snowthrower electric start wont, craftsman snowthrower, wd 40

-Yes, thankyou Eric. I have turned it up onto the "front" housing; thus, can see inerts of carb but upside down of course. Should be able to "get at it" so to speak.

Thanks already,
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Question -
Have a 10 yr old Craftsman snowthrower model # C459-52130-1 with electric start. Have changed the oil, fresh gas, and new spark plug. Help!!!
Answer -
Can you see/get to the carburetor fairly easy?  (Without having to dis-assemble the whole snowblower)

Let me know.

Try spraying some starting fluid directly into the carburetor throat.  If you the engine is a 2 cycle, oil/gas mix engine then I would try some WD-40.

WD-40 should burn in either engine but not as well as starting fluid.

Let me know if it tries to start.  If it does then your problem is more than likely a dirty carburetor.  Basically using the starting fluid rules out ignition, compression and timing problems.

Let me know what happens.