Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): 18 Horse Craftsman riding mower, coil wire, imfo

Replaced coil and alternator on mower. Still do not get spark to the plugs.  Battery fully charged, starrter spins..  What can I try?
this is the imfo on mower.  
6 speed 44 deck B&S 4 cy. elc. ign.
Model # 917 25 4450
Appreciate any sugjestions Thanks Bob

Dis-connect the small coil wire.  Check for spark.  You should have spark with the little wire dis-connected.  This little wire connects to the engine block shut-off terminal, then the terminal is connected to the ignition key switch.

Check for spark with the spark plugs removed.  You will not be able to shut off the engine with the small coil wire dis-connected.

Let me know what you find.