Subaru Repair: 2001 Subaru Outback Wagon gas or exhaust smell, Subaru gas smell

I have a subaru 2001 outback wagon.  On cold days when you run the heater it gives off a strong gas or exhaust smell. what could be the problem?

Hello Patti,

If it is a gas smell the fuel lines will tend to start to leak in the colder weather.  Its just a mater of tightening up the fuel line clamps but some require component removal to access the fuel lines.

In some cases we will replace the lines and clamps.

If it is an exhaust smell there are a lot of other possibilities and it may just be that you need to turn the recirclelate button on in your Subaru, to keep out the exhaust fumes.

I want to stress if it is a gas smell you need to not drive it until it is repaired.
