Subaru Repair: Subaru Lighting, battery cables, body control module

A couple times in the last month the parking lights and internal instrument lights began to flash for no apparent reason.  The first time I just started checking fuses and making sure they were seated properly and it stopped.  the second time I puleed the battery cables.  The next day I connected them again and everything was fine except my turn signals don't work.  All other lights work, backup emergency, etc.  The fuse for the turn signals is fine.  Does anyone know what could have caused the lights to flas in the first place and what could be wrong with the turn signals?

Sounds like the security system.  On some subarus there is a button under the dash to push to reset the light.  On some you need to lock and unlock the driver door with the key to reset the security system, it would try that first.  Lastly I guess the body control module could be going bad, it controls the security system.  Hope you get it figured out!