Towing Issues: towing fee dispute, small claims court, fee dispute

I had to pay $317 to get my car when it was towed. I believe it's been done wrong. while i am fighting with HOA, can i dispute my charge> ( i used credit card for payment). The towing company threatened me that they will get car back if i refuse the payment, is that legal?

Well depending on your state laws they can do that, but it will also take some court action for them to do that.

Now as to your vehicle being towed, that sounds like your HOA had it towed under some of the convents - laws and as such they had to follow some laws of the state along with their convents.

Now as to stopping payment for the tow, your credit card company might let you do that, but some of them have changed the policies in regards to towing charges. It really does get very expensive for them to do that and then they get dragged into court also, which costs money.

Small claims court is the best way to go on this, as the court will rule as to the legality of the tow, and while they may question the rates, some Cities and States have rates established which can be charged for tows.
So that is another think to check into, and since you did not supply the needed information on what state you are in then I can not help by pointing you to information on your state laws and policies.

Hope this helps