Towing Issues: street tow-away zone signs, speed limit signs, zone signs

I live in Honolulu, HI and parked on Dole St. There are signs posted along some parts of the street stating that it is a tow-away zone from 6:30am-8:30am. However, where the sign is posted there is a sidewalk, as if it was a parking space during non-tow away hours, then there is a driveway (entrance to apt complex)dividing my parking space from the sign, then there is a single marked space (the white corners indicating that it is a parking space.)I was parked in the indicated parking space, received a parking ticket and was towed. I would like to know how to challenge this and if I have a chance. I am not sure about the state of Hawaii laws and what the regulations are on street tow-away signs.

I have terrible times finding out information on Hawaiian towing laws and as such I can not find specific information on this kind of issue...

But if the sign was up there and it was parked in a space which is the tow away areas, it will get tickets and towed generally...

Now I know that you are questioning the fact that there might not of been a sign in or over that "SPECIFIC" space, but remember that speed limit signs are not every 10 feet also...   And it takes a post or something to put the sign up, and the Cities like to use existing posts, poles and such to save a bit of money...

From what you described in the question it sounds like it was legal and I am going to guess that if you were to take it to court, you would not win based on my understanding of towing as ordered by the police departments for tow away zone areas... (done lots of that in Oregon and Washington state)

Wish I could help, but I tried to find specific laws for your area and I could not find much online.