Towing Issues: Impounded Car, state tax returns, storage fees

My old heap broke down in the middle of the highway and I was barely able to make it to the emergency lane. 48 hours later the car has been impounded. I don't want to pay the towing or storage fees. The towing company can keep the car for all I care, but will I stil be liable for charges? The car is worth almost nothing so I doubt they will bring in any more than $400-500 when they acution it. Will I? Thanks

You are responsible for all towing, storage and related cost for the vehicle. Many state have laws make it illegal for someone to dump a vehicle on a tow company and could suspended your driver's license and keep your state tax returns. It's really up to the towing company how far they what to take it on recouping the their cost for disposing your vehicle. My suggestion is contacting the owner or manager and settle the debt or make some attempt to pay down the bill. As the saying goes, something is better than nothing. The car may still get auctioned but maybe the collection and legal route and can be avoided. If this is a option make sure you have everything in writing and get receipts. Trust me, the tow company doesn't want your car any more than you do by the sounds of it. Hope it all works out but don't dodge the tow company.